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Join us this week as we interview Faith Carmichael. Ms Carmichael is the co-founder of Next ATLANTA which showcases the hottest & brightest stars–visual, musical and literary–and aims to galvanize our city’s creative class into a potent force for change.WATCH NOW


I swear I’m not making this up: There is culture and intellectualism in Atlanta. The problem is that we can’t have those rare commodities without a corporate stamp. If it ain’t good for bidness, Bubba, fergit it.

Consider Atlanta’s long, long, ever-so-long-overdue civil rights museum. Or, more precisely, consider Birmingham’s, and its grand, emotion-wrenching juxtaposition to the 16th Street Baptist Church, where in 1963 an infamous Klan bombing killed four little girls.

In Atlanta, the planned museum won’t have any geographic relationship with the Civil Rights Movement – it won’t be close to Auburn Avenue, Ebenezer Baptist Church, the King Center, or, for that matter, the old site of Paschal’s Restaurant.READ MORE


This week on The Local Take I speak with Faith Carmichael, founder of NEXT Atlanta a artist collective modeled on the Harlem Renaissance. 

Faith Carmichael explains how the group of artist from multi-disciplines came together.  We discuss their desire to influence the community through compelling images, narratives and gatherings. READ MORE